Indicators to solve the oil dispute between Baghdad and Erbil

Indicators to solve the oil dispute between Baghdad and Erbil

09/28/2014 16:38

Indicators to solve the oil dispute between Baghdad and ErbilTomorrow’s Press / Baghdad: oil and gas law, the most prominent of the laws that have not voted on by Parliament in the previous two sessions, but today has become the beginning of the road towards ending disputes between the governments of the center and the province, after repeated visits between the two sides.
The origin of the dispute between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil due to oil contracts concluded by the Kurdistan region, but Baghdad considered, illegal, while he says the region they are based on the Iraqi constitution and bilateral agreements with the federal government. erupted acute crisis over oil between Baghdad and Erbil on the back off the Kurdistan Region In April 2012 the first oil pump until further notice because of disagreements with Baghdad on the financial dues to oil companies operating in it.

The oil minister, a former member of the bloc citizen, Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum, says for “tomorrow’s Press,” that “there are positive indications to resolve the dispute of oil between the Governments of the region and the center, if it has been treated by the parties with the agreements in a positive way, and show flexibility in negotiations between them. ” and added that “the Constitution is the way to resolve differences between the two sides,” noting that “a political document signed between the two parties, including resolving disputes oil as soon as, and this is what we wish for the working arrangement of oil wealth in the country.” and criticized the United Nations, at a time Previously, the delay in the approval of Iraq’s oil and gas law, after he called for political parties to pass this law as soon as possible.

In addition, see the MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Susan Baker Hussein during her speech for “tomorrow’s Press,” that “the differences of oil between Baghdad and Erbil should be resolved as soon as, especially that Iraq is aggrieved bulk of this dispute, which Aaaud beneficial to anyone, only the delay in the implementation of projects and dispersing the oil wealth. ”
It showed that “the Kurdistan region is keen to approve oil and gas law, in conformity with constitutional provisions, and we want an end to all differences, in order to know the role of each institution in this area, which we believe to be resolved their differences soon.”
The implications of the draft law of oil and gas mixed reactions, most unit position of the Kurdistan Alliance and the Presidency of the Kurdistan region, while the forecast for the Oil and Energy Committee the previous parliamentary, that facilitates the new project, which was approved by the previous government, the flexibility to receive companies wishing to develop the oil industry.
The Commission on oil and energy in the previous Parliament, the draft law of oil and gas made by the previous government to the parliament, involves a “constitutional violation” to confiscate the right of the provinces and territories, indicating that it is possible to modify the bill and enriching to find a suitable formula to be agreed upon between the political blocs.