Important details about the five – year plan 2018 – 2022

Important details about the five – year plan 2018 – 2022

2018/4/3 12:27

Important details about the five - year plan 2018 - 2022(Baghdad: Al-Furat News) Minister of Planning Salman Jumaili revealed details of the National Development Plan 2018-2022 prepared by the Ministry and approved by the Council of Ministers in its meeting last Sunday.
“The National Plan of 2018-2022 represents an important step for the wider launch of the sustainable development journey in line with Iraq’s vision for 2030, guided by a set of sectoral policies and strategies based primarily on human capital,” Jumaili said in a statement to the ministry. Social and people’s economy and provide services at the lowest cost. ”
“Ultimately, a plan will pave the way for building a future state by addressing the challenges and objectives set out in Vision 2030 and providing new opportunities for growth, especially with continued international and regional support for Iraq,” he said.
“The priorities of the plan will be to address the backwardness of the economic sectors, the disintegration of the social structures, the weak governmental and institutional role, the small role of the local private sector and its reluctance to invest, in order to overcome the underfunding and provide an appropriate business environment and stimulate economic activities.”
He pointed out that “the National Development Plan 2018-2022, based on the analysis of the reality and the development of specific tracks to guide the priorities approved four axes directed to the plan is: {lay the foundations of governance and associated pillars and elements, the private sector, and the development of the business environment and investment, Poverty alleviation in all governorates, taking from the results-based management methodology a path to build a realistic framework in line with the available information on the current reality and review what was achieved in the previous plan.
Al-Jumaili added: “The plan also adopted its slogan: laying the foundations of an active developmental state with social responsibility or post-recovery options, a country that adopts and plays directed developmental roles in policy-making and the private sector is an active partner in defining and implementing economic, Through an enabling environment for attracting capital and expertise and in accordance with the principle of efficiency and real competition under a rational governance and in order to prepare for the adoption of the system of the social market economy as a method of economic management and keen to reduce the spatial disparity between the provinces.
He pointed out that the plan “depends on the improvement of asset management, based on the philosophy of the development model by giving priority to labor-intensive sectors in order to reduce unemployment and achieve high growth rates.”
The plan also tackled the problems and obstacles faced by the two previous plans, namely institutional, economic, social and environmental challenges, through the strategic objectives and principles adopted by them, among them the establishment of the foundations of good governance, economic, financial, monetary, banking and trade reform. The crisis of displacement and the loss of human security, as well as providing the requirements of an enabling environment for investment in all its forms. ”
“The national development plan 2018-2022 aims to achieve growth rate in the Iraqi economy by 7% by raising the gross domestic product to [292.5} trillion dinars in 2022 from 182.2 trillion dinars in 2015,” he said.
He pointed out that “the expected revenues during the years of the plan will be about 440 trillion dinars, of which 370.2 trillion dinars of oil revenues and about 70 trillion dinars of non-oil revenues, while the volume of oil production in 2022 to about 5 million barrels per day and an export rate of up to 4 million barrels per day “He said.
The Minister of Planning “As for the investments required during the five-year plan will be {220.6} trillion dinars, of which 132 billion trillion government investments amounting to 60% of the total investment and there are {88.6} trillion dinars are from the private sector and 60% of the total investments And the distribution of investments in the fields of mining, construction, finance, insurance, oil, electricity, water, trade, agriculture, manufacturing, transport and communications.
“It is expected that the per capita GDP will reach about 7 million dinars at the end of the life of the plan in 2022,” he said.
Al-Jumaili explained that “the plan has set goals and major directions for macroeconomic policies in the field of fiscal policy, monetary and trade as well as in the energy sector and manufacturing industries. In the area of ​​electricity sector, the plan aims to increase the production capacity in the electrical system to about 21 thousand megawatts and increase the per capita energy to reach (4041) kw / h and work to rationalize energy consumption for different uses and reduce them by 7% and enhance the role of the private sector in the management of production and distribution sectors.
“In the field of manufacturing and extraction except oil, the plan works to increase the share of the gross domestic product in fixed prices of the non-oil manufacturing and extraction industries to 1.17% in 2022, and work on finding other sources to finance public sector projects and limiting the financing of the investment budget for strategic projects only , As well as supporting the petrochemical industries, fertilizers and industries that rely on mineral raw materials and benefit from the abundance of priority materials for these industries.
He pointed out that “in the agriculture and water resources sector, the plan seeks to increase the contribution of the agricultural sector in GDP to 5.2% and achieve growth in this sector up to 8.4%, and to secure the annual demand for water for sustainable uses in the agricultural, industrial and municipal areas, With the potential to reduce the annual demand for water by 500 million cubic meters per year. ”
Al-Jumaili said, “The plan also set logical objectives to be achieved in the transport, communications, storage, water, sanitation and building and services sectors. In this regard, work will be carried out on completion of residential projects under implementation or suspended, including investment, which is estimated at 700 thousand housing units in all provinces, In addition to securing 100 thousand housing units according to the methods and modern technologies and the establishment of 100 thousand other housing units suitable for the requirements of securing the return of displaced persons and slums and transgressors, and provide 50% of mortgage financing private sector investment required to cover the housing deficit.
He pointed out that “the plan has set goals in the sector of culture, archeology, population, manpower, human and social development, health, youth, women, social development and others.”
He pointed out that “great efforts have been made by the team of experts and those concerned in preparing the five-year development plan 2018-2022 since the start of the work in 2016. As we confirm that this team was able to develop a development plan responsive to the challenges and the flexibility to make them possible Taking advantage of our previous two development plans (2010-2014) and {2013-2017}, which have faced great difficulties and challenges, we highly value the efforts of the team and everyone who contributed to the preparation of this plan, which is closer to a policy plan than a program plan.
“The chances of success for this plan will be better than the circumstances that accompanied the two previous plans. First of all, Iraq is rid of terrorism. Today, it adopts the philosophy of sustainable development building, building strong partnerships with the national private sector and benefiting from international support, economically and politically, With the availability of unified national political will that will provide a more stable environment for the implementation of development policies that allow us to activate effective economic alternatives to reach a national economy is multi-not unilateral. ”