Hungary sent 240 tons of weapons to Iraq
Hungary sent 240 tons of weapons to Iraq
May 20, 2015 6:56
Said Vice President of the House of Representatives of Syria Sheikh Mohammed, Tuesday, that Hungary has agreed to send 240 tons of weapons to Iraq and 70 000 euros to support the displaced.
A statement by the office of Sheikh Mohammed that “the Iraqi parliamentary delegation headed by Aram Sheikh Mohammed in (Budapest), met with the Vice President of the Hungarian Parliament Istvan Aakab presence of a number of deputies from the two countries, and discussed with him the latest security developments and current events in the region and ways to develop bilateral relations in various areas and help the Iraqi people in its war against the terrorist Daash “.
“The meeting also touched on the work of the current session of the Iraqi Council of Representatives and spoke about the achievements and challenges in front of Parliament, and work hard for the interests of the people.”
Said Sheikh Mohammed, according to the statement, “Since we started working in the new session took place on our responsibilities and great challenges. It is unfortunate that this session were not easy, because it coincided with the entry of terrorism to our territory,” noting that “there are several issues related to the political process did not yet completed has faced difficult days, but we are determined to achieve victory and move the country to safety. ”
He added that “what happened in Iraq is a direct impact on the situation in the region is sure that the stability of the world and the region depends on the stability of Iraq.”
And about the internal situation in Iraq, said Sheikh Mohammed, “What unites us in Iraq far more than we disagree upon, so national and religious duty makes it imperative for everyone to work for the sake of reunion and the fight against extremism and thought obscurantist, and today the Iraqi army and popular crowd and the Peshmerga and the sons of the tribes are fighting terrorism together and , and today we us delighted in the Hungarian capital, we were able to convey the voice of Iraq to NATO great and we hope to accelerate to provide assistance and support for the largest of Iraq. ”
For his part, Vice-President of the Hungarian Parliament, Istvan Aakab stressed that his country “is following carefully the developments and events in Iraq, and the people of Hungary is interested very much the stability of the security situation,” noting, “We are making all our efforts to support and assist the Iraqi people and sent dozens of officers and advisers military. ”
He Aakab that his country “has sent 240 tons of weapons to Iraq and 70 thousand euros for the displaced, and we will continue to help us and stand by you until we achieve victory over terrorism.”