How a Canadian sniper achieved a record in Iraq?

How a Canadian sniper achieved a record in Iraq?

2017/6/22 11:24

How a Canadian sniper achieved a record in Iraq{Baghdad: Euphrates News} managed a sniper in the Canadian elite squad to kill one of the terrorists in Iraq Daesh from a distance, to achieve a record, according to what she said, “Globe and Mail” Canada, on Wednesday.
The Canadian newspaper quoted sources as saying that the Canadian sniper, who was not identified, managed injury goal from a distance of more than 3 kilometers, which is not achieved by any sniper before.
According to the newspaper “The Globe and Mail , ” the bullet took 10 seconds to reach the goal of which was away from the place of the concentration of the sniper 3450 meters specifically.
The newspaper pointed out that the soldier was a member, in the elite Joint “Task Force Team 2″, use a sniper rifle model “Makji Tak – 50″ injury to the target.
Has been confirmed this record through the filming process as well as other data, according to statements by a military source told the newspaper.
According to the same source, the decision to rely on a sniper came after the rejection of the use of air strikes for fear of civilian casualties.
The previous record was registered on behalf of the British sniper Craig Harrison in 2009, after he succeeded in a sniper Taliban from 2475 Mtra.anthy distance