Hours after the liberation of Mosul .. International Alliance calls for the survival of an American “long-term” in Iraq

Hours after the liberation of Mosul .. International Alliance calls for the survival of an American “long-term” in Iraq

Sunday July 2, 2017 at 13:17 pm

Hours after the liberation of Mosul - International Alliance calls for the survival of an American long-term in IraqBaghdad / Sky Press: u

Called on the commander of the international coalition forces in Iraq, General Stephen Taosnd, Sunday, to an American stay “long-term” in Iraq after the defeat of “Daesh”.

He said in a statement to the Taosnd site, “said Star Stripes” American, “I hope that the international coalition is playing a long-term role after the expulsion of Daesh from Iraq, to ​​work with the Iraqi forces to ensure their training and their ability to respond to threats in the country.”

He said Taosnd that “in the interest of the governments of Iraq and the United States and other coalition partners to maintain to keep power in the country and be a permanent force that those approved by Baghdad after it.”

The US statement at a time when Iraq is preparing to announce the liberation of the entire city of Mosul after fierce fighting lasted several months.
