Hosting Shaways and Shabibi today for questioning about the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar

A member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Salman Mohsin al-Moussawi said “his committee will host the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Rose Nuri Shaways and Central Bank Governor Sinan Cpie for questioning about the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar. “

He said al-Moussawi told all of Iraq [where] the day that “the Committee will be a range of topics on the reasons for the fluctuation rate of the dinar against the dollar and the decline as well as the smuggling of currency and financial and administrative corruption of the civil companies that convert the money.”

He continued, “There are several proposals to reduce the fluctuation of the exchange rate, and that one of these Amegrahat cancel corporate civil and refer to the mechanism of old, which was followed in the eighties of the last century is that the central bank is taking on the responsibility for transfer of funds against invoices, contracts and import licenses for the Eradication of Corruption , and the second proposal is to adopt the ministries with respect to the conversion process Astiradadtha, “and the third is the proposed formation of a committee within the integrity of the central bank made up of a group of experts in accounting and management audit of their contracts.”

And witness the Iraqi market rise significantly once in a while in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, as it arrived in hair buy dollars in some of the past few days to 1300 dinars, while the price specified by the Central Bank to this day is 1166 dinars, an increase of 134 dinars per dollar, and that is equivalent to about 11 percent of the officially set price.

As announced the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers formed under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs [Ruz Nuri al-Shawish] and the membership of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy [Hussain al-Shahristani] and members of the Committee on Economic Affairs and the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers [on the Keywords] to study the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar recently, in addition to propose appropriate solutions and to address and prevent harm to the national economy. “

The central bank attributed the might and the words of Deputy Governor of the Bank of the appearance of Mohammed’s [where] the high dollar exchange rate and increase the demand for it in Iraq to the global financial restrictions imposed on some neighboring countries, referring to Syria and Iran.