Historic opportunity to Trump even kill al-Baghdadi

Historic opportunity to Trump even kill al-Baghdadi

01/21/2017 11:10 pm (Baghdad time)

Historic opportunity to Trump even kill al-BaghdadiBAGHDAD – balances News
An official at the US National Security Agency, on Saturday that US intelligence granted early for President Donald Trump a chance to kill the organization, “Daesh” leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, because of the availability of their final information.
It quoted American “Abc News” station official as saying that “Trump would be less reluctant than his predecessor, Barack Obama, to make orders to strike in Mosul or any city is likely to be present where al-Baghdadi, even if fear of obtaining civilian casualties emerged.”
The official suggested the Trump “adopt new standards to ensure targeting first row Bdaash leaders and limit the access and unexpected deaths ranks of civilians who may be located near the headquarters of the organization.”
The former US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, confirmed on Friday (January 2017 13) that the leader of the “Daesh” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, “moving in all parts”, as pointed out that “a few days”.
