His office’s [where] blocs did not respond to Abadi and its Committee are close to resolving the candidates

His office’s [where] blocs did not respond to Abadi and its Committee are close to resolving the candidates [Extended]

3/22/2016 15:19

His offices blocs did not respond to Abadi and its Committee are close to resolving the candidates[Oan- special]
Prime Minister ‘s Office Haider al – Abadi, said the political blocs did not respond to the Prime Minister to submit their candidates for ministerial change.
He said the office ‘s spokesman Saad al – Hadithi told all of Iraq [where] that “most of the blocks did not provide the names of candidates despite the fact that the prime minister was careful to consult with them and involving them in the selection process to be candidates of the names of technocrats, not politicians.”
He added that ” the speech oriented to the blocks were the criteria and conditions defined in detail with respect to the candidates, but this matter has not interact with positively by most of the political blocs, and that the prime minister returned to the Committee of experts in the prime minister as the committee formed to choose the names of the candidates to take over the development of the names of candidates and submit them to the Prime Minister . ”
He pointed newborn that” the political blocs did not provide the names of candidates and that the Committee of experts relied on the development of the names in accordance with the regulations and is nearing completion of its work a short time, and then will be submitted to the Prime Minister the names of candidates in the cabinet reshuffle. ”
He stressed that” the Commission ‘s work in stages recent and made ​​very significant strides and is on the verge of completing its work in the next few days and raise the names of candidates for the Ministerial change to the prime minister to choose from, and go them to the parliament for a vote on them. ”
He pointed a spokesman for al – Abadi to the Office, that” the nominations leader of Sadr [Muqtada al – Sadr ] is one of the independent commission is not tied to the Commission of experts in the prime minister, but the problem by the Sadrist movement and we are not familiar with the details and mechanisms of action. ”
It is said that due to end deadline Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi of the political blocs to submit their candidates in the cabinet reshuffle on Wednesday after that the duration of a full week.
he announced the cleric Moqtada al – Sadr, today announced the completion of nominations ministerial change, said at a news conference at his office in Najaf with his committee in the selection of ministers of new government cabin “we will give cabin to the Prime Minister is willing , should vote is willing Fleihjm,” adding ” We are able to form outside the Government of partisanship sectarian quotas. ”
on the continuation of the sit – ins, at the green Zone, al- Sadr said , ” to give us assurances reform , give them a guarantee not to escalation. ”
for his part , Sami Azarh Al paste, chairman of the chest , ” said the members of the new cabin of 90 Personal and identified for each ministry four figures and the rest of the nomination of agents ministries and general managers. ”
decided the three presidencies meeting with the heads and leaders of political blocs in their meeting last Saturday , ” to form a committee represented by all political factions and representatives of the three presidencies that would follow up the implementation of the reform measures and alterations cabinet in a week to assist the Prime Minister in a reshuffle urgently and activate the work of the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption and speed up the resolution of independent bodies You. ”
and speaks close to deputies from al – Abadi said the prime minister will be a change for the nine ministers Saturday.
experiencing the capital Baghdad , sit – ins at the green Zone gates demanding the implementation of reforms and the ministerial change and the fight against corruption.
