Heavy deployment “Gold Band” at Baghdad International Airport to prevent the escape of officials abroad
Heavy deployment “Gold Band” at Baghdad International Airport to prevent the escape of officials abroad
Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:53
BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. revealed high-level source in the anti-terror apparatus, Thursday, for the spread of the gold band of the device forces at Baghdad International Airport to prevent the escape of officials abroad.
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity for / Baghdadi News /, that “the Prime Minister and Commander of the Armed Forces Haider al-Abadi is the spread of the gold band of the device counter-terrorism at Baghdad International Airport forces,” noting that “the spread of the gold band forces came to prevent any An official from the rank of general manager and above from traveling outside Iraq. ”
The source added, “The leadership of the gold band at the airport has a complete list of all the names of the wanted according to campaign” Where did you get this, “which launched Abadi earlier to eliminate the rampant corruption in all state departments,” revealing at the same time, “the arrival of sophisticated military reinforcements to the existing teams at the airport for fear of an emergency. ”
This “revealed a senior source in the Integrity Commission’s / Baghdadi News /, on Wednesday, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi face of the Integrity Commission to open a file,” Where did you get this “to the Vice President for Energy,” resigned “Bahaa al-Araji, and to the First Deputy President and Chairman of the Board former Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on the back of the existence of suspicions of corruption folk dissuade Tsenmanm previous positions “.anthy / P