Hashemi: the task is not complete expulsion Daesh but with “accounting” partner which enabled Nuri al-Maliki
Hashemi: the task is not complete expulsion Daesh but with “accounting” partner which enabled Nuri al-Maliki
Saturday July 8, 2017 at 18:19 pm BAGHDAD / Sky Press:
Wrote Vice President convicted and required to eliminate Tariq al-Hashemi, Saturday, that the liberation of Mosul Atktml the task of expelling Daesh but from the prosecution made it possible for the international terrorist Daesh Nuri al-Maliki.
Hashemi said through his personal “Facebook”, and seen by “Sky Press”:
-mn bears responsibility for the fall of Mosul, Salahuddin, Anbar and parts of Diyala, Baghdad and Kirkuk belt is … Nuri al-Maliki?
-mn bears the delivery of billions of dollars in the military arsenal of factions Daesh without a fight … not Nuri al-Maliki?
-mn bears the loss of Iraq one hundred billion dollars in the fighting and destruction … accompanied by non-Nuri al-Maliki?
-mn bears the killing of more than 100 thousand civilians in fighting Daesh … is Nuri al-Maliki?
– Who bears responsibility for the deaths of more than 30 thousand employees of the army, the police and the crowd in the battles with Daesh … Non-Nuri al-Maliki?
-mn is responsible for the army and defeat refractometers drubbing in front factions Daesh attack in June 2014 … is Nuri al-Maliki ??
-mn bears occupancy Iraq war over three years and the loss of development opportunities … is Nuri al-Maliki?
– ignored warnings of successive 2014 to Daesh imminent attack on Mosul … is a failed leader of the armed forces … Nuri al-Maliki ??
So if not the terrorist Nuri al-Maliki when he had Daesh … Both sides of the same coin, and based on it is not correct to label post-stage Daesh but an Iraq:
Iraq’s post-Maliki Daesh.
The task is not complete expulsion Daesh … but the expulsion and accounting partner who enabled Daesh … Nuri al-Maliki …
If we want to break with this dark era of the life of Iraq with all Mavera sins and the sins of the failure must be caused by the uprooting of a prelude to a different industry new life provides us and our generations after us the opportunity to live in dignity.