Harb: If Parliament does not give confidence to the person in charge of forming a government, choosing the alternative will be the right of the President of the Republic

Harb: If Parliament does not give confidence to the person in charge of forming a government, choosing the alternative will be the right of the President of the Republic

02/28 2020 11:18

Harb - If Parliament does not give confidence to the person in charge of forming a government choosing the alternative will be the right of the President of the RepublicLegal expert Tariq Harb, Friday (February 28, 2020), confirmed that if the parliament does not give confidence to the person in charge of forming the government, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, the choice will be with the right of the President of the Republic, Barham Saleh.

Harb said in a statement received (Baghdad today), that “the president of the republic constitutionally assigns another candidate to form the government, in the event that the Allawi government does not gain confidence in tomorrow’s session tomorrow, according to the fifth paragraph of Article 76 of the constitution.”

He added, “This is most likely after most of the Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish blocs agreed not to vote and give Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Allawi confidence, as long as these parliamentary blocs did not take their share of the ministries because despite the fact that the candidates for the ministry represent all components, For these blocs, the ministers are required to be the ones who nominate them, and each block has its share of ministers, i.e. partisan quotas and not sectarian quotas that the prime minister took into consideration. ”

He pointed out that “the blocs require the ministers to be their followers, and they are their nominees, not the prime minister. Thus, the parliamentary quotas were behind finishing Tawfiq Allawi and his project to establish a government far from quotas, while respecting the components by representing them in the ministry he prepared.”

He continued: “Knowing that not granting him confidence after the vote, it is constitutionally necessary for the President of the Republic to appoint another candidate,” adding: “Note that in this case there is not the largest parliamentary bloc, but rather the absolute authority of the President of the Republic to nominate the Prime Minister as he deems personal without Relation to the largest number or the smallest number. ”

And he stated, “The issue is subject to the discretion of the President of the Republic only, without restriction or condition in assigning anyone, except for Allawi because the constitution decides another candidate, and the other is not the former Allawi, and this constitutes his government and presents it to Parliament to request that he be given confidence.”

On Thursday (27 February 2020), MP Jawad Al-Mousawi confirmed that the postponement of the vote on the government of the Prime Minister-designate, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, came for the sake of interests and positions only .

Mousawy said in a statement received (Baghdad today), “Everyone who claims that the vote on the Prime Minister-designate cabinet has been postponed today for national reasons or the date of elections or other, is false . ”

He added, “They are pressing for interests and positions only . ”

Prior to that, the House of Representatives announced the postponement of its special session to vote on the government of the Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

The media department of Parliament said that “the House of Representatives postponed its extraordinary session to give confidence to the new government until Saturday, because the quorum is not complete.”

After that, Nada Shaker Jawdat, the deputy for the victory coalition, Thursday (27 February 2020), revealed the developments that took place inside the parliament building and prevented the extraordinary session of the parliament to pass the government of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

Jawdat said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), “The session witnessed the absence of some Shiite forces who pledged to Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi to attend the session and pass his cabinet, in addition to the Kurds and Sunnis.”

She added that “the session was postponed, amidst major conflict and disagreements over the cabinet cabinet candidates.”

Jawdat indicated that “Sunnis and Kurds are still demanding political representation in the booth, and the representatives of the Christian component rejected the component’s nomination, which was mentioned in Allawi’s booth.”
