Government of Kurdistan confirms its welcome to dialogue with Baghdad as soon as possible

Government of Kurdistan confirms its welcome to dialogue with Baghdad as soon as possible

2017/10/21 9:18

Government of Kurdistan confirms its welcome to dialogue with Baghdad as soon as possibleThe Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) welcomed the statement by the US State Department on military clashes between the Peshmerga forces and the Iraqi forces in Alton Kubri, Kirkuk province, while welcoming the dialogue with Baghdad as soon as possible within the framework of the Iraqi constitution without any preconditions.
“The Kurdistan Regional Government welcomes the text of the statement of the US State Department, as well as welcomes the immediate suspension of the unrest and clashes between the Peshmerga forces and Iraqi forces in the disputed areas, and expressed their consent to be Stop the clashes and deterioration of the situation in coordination with Iraqi forces and international coalition forces. ”
“In order to solve the problems, the KRG welcomes the dialogue with Baghdad as soon as possible within the framework of the Iraqi constitution and without any preconditions,” the statement said.
The US State Department issued a statement on behalf of the US government yesterday on the deterioration of the situation in the disputed areas and military clashes between the Peshmerga forces and Iraqi forces in Elton Kubri, in which the two sides stimulate dialogue to stop the clashes that took place during the past days between the Peshmerga forces and Iraqi forces.