GOP lawmaker: FBI ‘would like to indict both Huma and Hillary’

GOP lawmaker: FBI ‘would like to indict both Huma and Hillary’

Posted, January 30, 2016, 12:33 pm

GOP lawmaker - FBI would like to indict both Huma and HillaryBy Mark Hensch

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said the FBI likely has enough evidence right now to indict Hillary Clinton and her valued aide Huma Abedin, but that agency chief James Comey is being constrained.

“I think the FBI director would like to indict both Huma and Hillary as we speak,” Issa told The Washington Examiner in an interview published Friday. “I think he’s in a position where he’s being forced to triple-time make a case what would otherwise be, what they call, a slam dunk.”


Clinton is currently under federal investigation over her private email server from her time as secretary of State. Issa, a former House Oversight Committee chairman, argued that she clearly violated transparency requirements during her tenure.
“There’s no question, she knew she had a responsibility and she circumvented it,” he said of the Democratic presidential front-runner in an interview conducted at the campaign headquarters of Sen. Marco Rubio, whose presidential bid he has endorsed. “She circumvented it a second time when she knowingly let highly-classified material get into emails in an unclassified format.”

Issa added, however, that charges against Clinton are unlikely under President Obama’s administration.

“I’ve worked with both the last attorney general … and this attorney general, and I really don’t believe they’ll do it,” he said of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, respectively. “Doing it, by definition, would end her run for president.

“So, do I think the Democrats are in an odd situation where the only thing they can do is hold their nose and hold back on an indictment? Sadly, yes.”

The State Department announced Friday it would release about 2,000 pages of Clinton’s emails but delay the final batch until after the New Hampshire primary.