Giant American aircraft land at Ain al-Assad base

Giant American aircraft land at Ain al-Assad base


Giant American aircraft land at Ain al-Assad baseInformation/Anbar…
A security source in Anbar Governorate revealed, on Monday, that Ain al-Assad Air Base witnessed the landing of giant cargo planes in the base building, west of Anbar.

The source said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “The Ain al-Assad base in the Al-Baghdadi area in the Hit district, west of Anbar, witnessed the landing of giant American transport planes designated for transporting fighters and military vehicles, without knowing what these planes were carrying, which covered the skies of the western regions.”

He added, “Ain al-Assad base witnessed an unusual movement of military transport aircraft that landed inside the base building amid unprecedented precautionary measures.”

He added that “the American warplanes flew intensively over the base building to provide security protection for these aircraft, and the American forces tightened security protection measures over the base building and the areas near it for security reasons.”

He confirmed that “American warplanes and drones carried out unprecedented aerial survey operations before the landing of the cargo planes.”