FSA reveals the hidden budget of 2014 and the dilemma of its final accounts
FSA reveals the hidden budget of 2014 and the dilemma of its final accounts
2019/8/26 9:58
The Financial Audit Bureau announced that the year 2020 will witness the completion of the final accounts for the years (2015 – 2018), pointing to the completion of an integrated budget statistics from 2003 to 2018 and what was actually spent on projects and not what has been allocated.
The President of the Court said in a press statement, “The Office succeeded in auditing the final accounts of the financial budgets for the years from 2005 to 2013 and was referred to the full House of Representatives, which in turn approved it.”
He attributed the delay of the 2014 budget audit, which witnessed the fall of Mosul city by ISIS terrorist gangs in the government of the second term of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, to two reasons. A report on the final account unless the budget law is issued.
Carter said the second reason technician, the fact that bodies or units spending all accounts was not sent to the Ministry of Finance for the purpose of unification because the final account of the unification account and thus delayed the Ministry of Finance to close the final account and submit it to the Court more than once. ”
He added that” Diwan Despite this recently managed to prepare a report The final account for 2014 has been discussed with the Ministry of Finance and will now be discussed by the Board of Supreme Audit Council and then sent to the Council of Ministers for review and comments. It is referred to the Council of Representatives for discussion and approval of the final account for 2014
. Beyond the problem of the adoption of the budget law in a timely manner, the President of the Court disclosed to direct a consultation to overcome this problem starting with the House of Representatives votes on the formula of the budget law, then discusses the final account and there is a formula agreed upon and sent by the Ministry of Finance to the Council of Ministers. Deputies.
He added that there is a discussion with the Parliamentary Finance Committee months before it reaches the formula of the 2014 budget law and ratifies it and then reaches the final account in the sense of approving the budget law in a simplified form and then the final account, ie, a parallel time to be ratified. ”
He stressed that the Court and after the account For the year 2014 will complete the 2015 budget end of the current year and budgets for the years 2016 to 2018 in 2020, noting that the problem of delayed audit of the final accounts of the budgets, is an unhealthy phenomenon in terms of monitoring and approval, and that the final account for the year, B to be close to the budget next year, and therefore, the House of Representatives and the Council of Ministers and even the Ministry of Finance, can prepare the budget for the subsequent year close for expenses and the results of the implementation of the budget for the previous year.
The chairman of the Bureau closely to provide statistics allocated to projects expenditure in the financial budgets for the years 2005 To 2018, there are statistical analyzes on the investment and current budget, salaries, loans and projects mentioning what has already been spent and not what has been allocated. The current budget, pensions, the percentage of investment, the projects that were actually financed and the percentage of achievement of any statistic at the state level.
He pointed out that the investment budget did not exceed 50 percent and low implementation rates, pointing out that “this statistic is useful and will also address loans that were not clear to the public, such as size and types, which was paid at the level of governorates, local governments, petrodollar funds, where they were spent and how they were distributed. He stressed that this statistic will be completed in two weeks.