Four “no’s” for every “yes” vote on Obama’s military intervention in Syria
Four “no’s” for every “yes” vote on Obama’s military intervention in Syria
10/09/2013 11:55 am
BAGHDAD – follow
the road that separates morning President Barack Obama to ensure a green light from Congress to launch a military operation against Syria, still long, that did not Msthalih.
According to U.S. statistics, it is located inside the 24 Senate votes supportive of the plan while 18 oppose it. The remaining votes 58 in the governance of the unknown so far is without a doubt an important consideration because they are will determine the final outcome because the number exceeds the majority.
After the amendment to the text of the resolution authorizing the attack, voted for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, last Wednesday, in the interest of the attack at 10 supporters against seven refusing, but the acceptance of Damascus proposal Russia develop chemical Syria under international control befuddled Washington.
Nevertheless, Obama needs 217 votes in the House of Representatives to ensure that the green light, but the reality now refers to four “no’s” for every “yes” and one . According to statistics from the semi-official, the 109 MPs would vote “no” in vote 23 “yes”, including prominent members among Republicans, while remains until 280 undecided.
, and the most troubling for the White House is that there is a trend toward escalating rejection , but things do not look settled, especially since it must wait for next week when he comes back a lot of deputies to their offices as there are those who have not acquaintances after a copy of the brief secret what might give them a comprehensive picture of them able to make a decision.
ranging reasons frequency or rejection, the Republicans The Democrats, in the form of the resolution and the nature of work and purpose as well as fears of a prolonged process, as was the case in Iraq and Afghanistan.
says Democratic Rep. Brian Higgins in a press statement: “After the loss of the lives of 6688 U.S. and injuring tens of thousands of Americans and spend two tillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which means that every American family has contributed at least 40 thousand dollars, the time has come to build inside the U.S. and invest more in the U.S. economy. ”