Former MP rejects Pentagon statements, asks: What is the benefit of negotiating committees?
Former MP rejects Pentagon statements, asks: What is the benefit of negotiating committees?
Information / Special..
Former MP Razzaq Al-Haidari called on the Iraqi government, on Saturday, to respond to the Pentagon’s statements confirming that its forces would not be withdrawn from Iraq.
Al-Haidari said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “The strategic framework agreement, as confirmed by the Iraqi government, came to oblige the American side to end the presence of its forces in Iraq, but these statements are always denied by the Washington government through statements,” indicating that “these statements raised a lot of suspicion and doubt about the government’s seriousness in ending this file.”
He wondered about “the benefit of the work of the committees that were tasked with ending this presence, which took a long time of negotiations between the two sides,” calling on “the Iraqi government to be honest with its people regarding this important and fundamental issue.”
He added: “The political forces, parliament and government must respond to these statements as soon as possible, as they are unacceptable and dangerous,” noting that “these statements categorically deny the government’s narrative of ending this presence.”
Washington confirmed in a statement yesterday that it is not prepared to announce any specific steps to withdraw US forces from Iraq.