Foreign Relations renews its call to preserve Iraq’s sovereignty

Foreign Relations renews its call to preserve Iraq’s sovereignty


Foreign Relations renews its call to preserve Iraqs sovereigntyInformation / Baghdad..
Member of the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, Haider Al-Salami, renewed today, Wednesday, the committee’s demand to preserve Iraq’s sovereignty, noting that Iraqi sovereignty is incomplete unless the international coalition forces withdraw.

Al-Salami told Al-Maalouma Agency, “The committee is in favor of a complete withdrawal of international coalition forces from Iraqi territory to achieve full Iraqi sovereignty.”

He added that “the understandings between Washington and Iraq must be in the interest of Iraq to ensure the preservation of the country’s sovereignty, which is above all considerations.”

He pointed out the government’s ability to take appropriate decisions to preserve Iraq’s sovereignty, security and stability.

He stressed the need to “end the presence of international coalition forces, especially American forces.”