Flood height of 20 meters threatens Mosul and kill two million Iraqis and Icherdhm (details)

Flood height of 20 meters threatens Mosul and kill two million Iraqis and Icherdhm (details)

Posted, 23-12-2015

Flood height of 20 meters threatens Mosul and kill two million Iraqis and IcherdhmIt seems that Overstuffing rotating base connector plug textured cement, as a treatment to reduce erosion, since its inception, so far, is no longer viable, and that the dam threatens the city of Mosul and the surrounding flood height of 20 meters.

The dam «Water knots», because the base was built on land found After that firmness does not fit with the huge size, as is Iraq’s largest dam, in the event of being able to exploit nearly full, and in light of the imminent danger collapse, a move the US Engineering Corps in Iraq, in an attempt to heal the collapse and cracking, which threatens the city and its environs drowning by flood .

warned news reports, finally, that the risk of collapse of the Mosul Dam has reached its peak.

The reports quoted sources from within the US Embassy in Baghdad, that the recent «ended last month, preparations, and placed three contingency plans for the evacuation of members of the embassy and its citizens, as well as nationals and members Western embassies again.

»began these preparations, since last September, when specialized reports pointed to the arrival of ground Altaksvat under the walls of the dam to advanced stages, led to growing cracks in the walls.

According to the same sources, the embassy formed a crisis cell specialists, meets weekly to preview the latest developments and appreciation, and was one of the recommendations, send a dedicated team of US Navy personnel to dive to the bottom of the dam and preview Altaksvat and cracks closely, and then, concluded the crisis cell in the final recommendations, to the need to prepare for the scenario of collapse, and develop contingency plans to evacuate its personnel and citizens from Iraq.

confirms specialists that case Mosul Dam is not much different from the conditions of Iraq, which is eroding and collapsing as fast, as a result of crises accumulated in 13 years, and that the collapse of this dam would be the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the history of Iraq.

sinking fast flood

A study numbers, prepared by the dams Research Center and water resources at the University of Mosul, and presented at the XIII World Water Technology Conference, which was held in Egypt in 2009, that «in the case of the collapse of the dam, the 207 thousand and 632 cubic meters of water will flow quickly 3.5 kilometers per second, and at 25.3 meters in the nine-hour The first of the disaster, which displays more than half of the city of Mosul to drowning water reaches a height of 20 meters ».

millions homeless

and study emphasizes that« the human and economic disaster will not include Mosul, but will lead to the deaths of more than two million Iraqis and displaced, as well as sweep flood water for a distance of 500 kilometers, within along the course of the Tigris River and its banks, the overlying water in large parts of the capital Baghdad, up to four meters.

In the opinion specialists to the disaster the most dangerous of the disaster is expected collapse of Mosul Dam, is ignored by successive governments to power in Iraq after 2003, the warnings of the world and specialized bodies.

It also recommended the US Corps of Engineers report, b «the need to act immediately to establish dam Badush, as a precaution the event of a collapse, in addition to the construction of a dam downstream, to be Msadda of Seoul», but the Iraqi government, at the time, refused to alternative solutions, citing it as «unnecessary and costly».

He accused observers successive Iraqi governments since 2003, neglecting the terms of the reconstruction of Iraq and sank in financial corruption, which has produced all that remained unresolved accumulation of these problems and will remain as long as corruption is the master of the situation and the corrupt are in their hand the country is and the people .
