First reading of a proposal to limit the jurisdiction of the three presidencies

Urgent .. Parliament starts the first reading of a proposal to limit the jurisdiction of the three presidencies

Wednesday, January 09, 2 / January 2013 14:12

[Baghdad – where]

House began the first reading of a proposed definition of the mandate of the three presidencies under the law is aimed at the non-renewal of the current Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after his current term expires.

A parliamentary source said told all of Iraq [where] on Wednesday that “the House of Representatives began the first reading of a proposed law to determine the mandate of the three presidencies two sessions.”

The parliamentary Liberal block of the Sadrist movement made earlier this project which makes the mandate of Prime Minister for only two.

And was a member of the legal committee in the House of Representatives Muhsin al-Sadoun, had announced earlier his committee vote approving the proposed law to determine the mandate of the three presidencies and sent to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, introduced on the agenda of the parliament and put to the vote for approval.

This proposal is controversial among political blocs where he describes the State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki بالمخالف the Constitution because it did not include the mandate of Prime Minister and only on that text to my presidency of the Republic and the parliament only two sessions. Ended.
