Finish reading two cooperation agreements between Iraq and Kuwait

Finish reading two cooperation agreements between Iraq and Kuwait

19/06/2013 12:00 AM

BAGHDAD – morning,
the House voted in its first session of the legislative term new Tuesday on three bills, while finished reading two agreements for cooperation between Iraq and Kuwait. At the beginning of the meeting called on House Speaker Osama Najafi House of Representatives to cooperate for the completion of pending laws in commissions through understanding, cooperation and development the supreme interest of the country for legislation important laws, stressing the importance of investing political understandings to serve the Iraqi people. Council voted on the draft law on ratification of the Convention on training Iraqi security forces between Iraq and NATO. also voted on the bill the first amendment to the order of CPA No. (87 ) for the year 2004, and the draft law on the Fifth Amendment to the law of the State Council No. (65) for the year 1979. In the meantime, Council ended the first reading of the draft law on ratification of the agreement between Iraq and Kuwait on the organization of maritime navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah and submitted by the Committees on Foreign Relations and Legal to regulate navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah through the formation of a joint committee working to operationalize and implement the terms of this Agreement and to develop joint plans for maritime safety in the Khawr Abd Allah and other issues of navigational and environmental For the purpose of strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries, and respect the right of traffic navigation Headquarters in international charters and conventions. and decided the Presidency of the Council of Representatives تضييف Foreign Minister and the Minister of Transport Council meeting on Thursday to clarify the Convention on maritime navigation and all related agreements and the relationship with Kuwait in order to enable the Council to make the right decision on the conventions. also completed the second reading of the draft law on ratification of an agreement set up a joint committee for cooperation between the Government of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait and submitted by the Committees on Foreign Relations, the economy and investment, health, environment, culture and the media. and completed the second reading of the draft law on first amendment to the law of service and military retirement (No. 3) for the year 2010, and the second reading of the draft law on First Amendment of the Law Foundation of political prisoners (4) for the year 2006.