Find out about cabinet decisions for today

Find out about cabinet decisions for today

06/16/2020 16:35:44

Find out about cabinet decisions for today{Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Council of Ministers held its regular session, today, Tuesday, headed by the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, in which he discussed a number of issues and topics included in his agenda.
According to the statement issued by the Information Office of the Prime Minister, the council started a copy of it, “its session by discussing the developments of the current conditions the country is currently experiencing, and serious work to reform all state institutions, in a way that enhances their ability to carry out their tasks with high efficiency and develop the level of performance in them, including It enables them to provide the best services to the citizen, in a way that guarantees the re-establishment of state prestige. ”

The Prime Minister praised “the health staff who are leading today a major battle against the Corona pandemic, and made great sacrifices in order to save the lives of those affected by the epidemic.”

Al-Kazimi stressed that “the Corona pandemic is a global challenge today, and it requires internal social awareness to confront this epidemic and surround it and reduce the injury of more citizens.”

He stressed “harnessing all the efforts and capabilities of the state, to support the Ministry of Health and its health institutions in the capital, Baghdad, and across the provinces.”

The Minister of Health and Environment gave a “detailed presentation on the developments of the work of the Committee for the Promotion of Governmental Action in the field of prevention, health control and education on reducing the spread of Corona virus.”

In its session, the Council of Ministers hosted “the President of the Iraqi Media Network, and the Chairman of its Board of Trustees, where the network’s plans regarding awareness of citizens with health protection measures to face the Corona pandemic were reviewed, and community awareness of its seriousness and conditions for its prevention increased.”

The council discussed topics on its agenda, and issued a number of decisions regarding them: –

First /
1- Activating the previous decision regarding supporting staff working in the Ministry of Health, which has direct contact with people infected with the Corona virus, by cutting plots of land, according to priorities determined by the Ministry of Health.
2- The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research allocates postgraduate studies outside the plan for the academic year (2020/2021), for the “White Army” in appreciation of their efforts and sacrifices in the face of the Corona pandemic.

Second / Approval of the draft ratification of the agreement on air transport services between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the United Arab Emirates, signed in the city of Montreal / Canada, on 9/26/2019, and referred to the House of Representatives, according to the provisions of Articles (61 / First and 80 (Second) from the constitution.

Third / Approval of giving the Minister of Finance the authority to negotiate and sign investment projects loans, according to the provisions of Article (80 / VI) of the Constitution, according to the following:
1- A project loan for the implementation and completion of (8) turbine cooling units, and the supply and supervision of (32) units Another cooling amount of (70800000) euros, only seventy million and eight hundred thousand euros, from the German company Siemens for the Ministry of Electricity, funded by the German bank Cumber, and with the guarantee of the German Export Guarantee Corporation (Hermes).
2- A loan project for the installation, installation and operation of (9) gas turbines for the Wasit power station in the amount of (362 million) euros, only three hundred and sixty-two million euros from the German Siemens company for the Ministry of Electricity, with funding from Standard Gartard Bank and with a guarantee from the Swedish Export Guarantee Corporation (EKN).
3- A loan for the rehabilitation project of health services infrastructure in the amount of (185000000) Euros, only one hundred and eighty five million Euros, for the benefit of the Ministry of Health, funded by the German Development Bank KFW.
4- A loan for the rehabilitation project of the second-stage electricity infrastructure, with an amount of (400,000,000) Euros, only four hundred million Euros, for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity, funded by the German Development Bank KFW.
5- Multiple annual maintenance project loan / fourth stage with an amount of (120000000) dollars, only one hundred and twenty million dollars, which is executed by the American company GE with funding from an international bank, and with the guarantee of the British Export Guarantee Agency UKEF.
6- A loan project for the rehabilitation of the Babylon power plant 400 KV, at an amount of (38,000,000) euros, is only thirty-eight million euros, which is executed by the Swedish ABB company, funded by the JPMORGAN bank, and with the guarantee of the Swedish Export Guarantee Corporation (EKN).

Mohammed Al-Marsoumi