Financial Supervision: Kuwait compensation ending in 2015

Financial Supervision: Kuwait compensation ending in 2015

3/15/2014 0:00

Iraqi DinarBAGHDAD – morning
expectation of Supreme Audit repay outstanding compensation to Kuwait of $ 7 billion dollars in the first half of the year 2015.
said Court Chief Abdul Basit Turki told a news briefing: “It is expected to end outstanding compensation to Kuwait due to the invasion by the former regime of $ 7 billion dollars in the first half of 2015, “noting that” there have been attempts by the central bank towards the urgency in the payment of such compensation, a demand assessed by the Iraqi government. ”
and added, that Iraq seeks constantly to pay all trade debts arising from his trust that proves correct, pointing to the that the payment of this debt is in accordance with the Paris Club and conditions and that any reimbursement for these debts outside the terms of the club threatening to cancel the whole what we achieved Iraq to settle the debt.
noted that Iraq is seeking to cancel the debts arising during the reign of the former regime, amounting to more than 140 billion dollars, which is some compensation because of the wars waged against its neighbors, and think of the issuance of international bonds for some trade creditors.