Financial expert calls for the central bank to take the necessary measures to save the Iraqi dinar exchange rate

Financial expert calls for the central bank to take the necessary measures to save the Iraqi dinar exchange rate

15-05-2013 12:37 PM

Iraqi dinar exchange rateBaghdad (news) .. He favored a financial expert Abdul Sattar al-Hashemi, the continued reduction of Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the U.S. dollar unless there are serious by the central bank to develop a plan to save the national currency. Hashemi said (of the Agency news): The Iraqi dinar exchange rate is moving downward against the U.S. dollar since it took over the new administration of the central bank and so far, and this is indicative of the failure of monetary policy and the weakness of the current administration of the bank. added: that the central bank demands to take the necessary measures to save the national currency, because the continuing decline will pull the country into economic problems large, such as high inflation and increasing prices in the market as well its impact on the monetary reserves of the Central Bank. this and see the Iraqi dinar exchange rate dropped significantly against the U.S. dollar, which made ​​some economists are expressing fears of a continued decline and its direct impact on the Iraqi economy. / End / 8.’s. m /