Finance parliamentary rule to delete the zeros from the currency early next year

Finance parliamentary rule to delete the zeros from the currency early next year


Ruled out of the Finance Committee, the deletion of zeros from the currency early next year / / 2014.

Said committee member Rep. Najiba Najib, in a statement to / Baghdadi news / .. “The Finance Committee did not discuss the issue of deletion of zeros during the last period.

As the need to take action and study, “excluded at the same time implemented early next year.

Confirmed Najib that” the deletion of zeros from the currency or Ngearerha become necessary, through non-counterfeiting cash and warping in addition to being will strengthen the monetary value and easy to transport, “calling” the authorities executive and legislative work on the success of this project as soon as possible. “

The CBI said earlier that the beginning of this year will see the implementation of the project to delete the zeros of the national currency.

and another translation:


Financial representative exclude delete zeros from currency early next year

The Finance Committee rejected, delete zeros from currency early next year/2014/said Committee member Rep. nagiba Naguib, told Baghdadi/news.

“The Finance Committee did not discuss the subject delete zeros during the past period

As the need to take action and, at the same time excluded implemented early next year, Najib said “delete zeros from currency or tghirrha is necessary by not rigging and falsification of currency as well as strengthen the monetary value and easy to transport”,

calling “the executive authorities walchriah to work on this project as soon as possible.”

the Central Bank said earlier that this year will see the implementation of the project to delete zeros from the currency.