Finance Minister: the talks were constructive, with Kuwait and discussed all the files

The delegation, which visited Kuwait last week, led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki have agreed to settle the issue of Iraqi Airways with the Kuwaiti side of the Iraq paid the amount of $ 500 million to Kuwait, to be half the amount in cash as given to the Kuwait Investment in Iraq worth the second half. He said… Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi said that “our visit to Kuwait was a success and was open all the files, where the focus was on file, Iraqi Airways and the issue of stent border,” adding that “That ‘drop the lawsuits against the payment of dues of Iraqi Airways.” said al-Issawi that “the agreement will be presented to the House of Representatives do not think that one of the blocks would object to this, noting that “the Ministry of Finance have the potential to pay the money but still it is up to parliament to vote on the agreement.” and added that “The government should speed up finding a mechanism for the process of investing in other amounts of $ 200 million, for the completion of this subject. “