Finance: budget can not bear all the demands of the blocks
Parliamentary Finance: budget can not bear all the demands of the blocks
Monday 25 February 2013
BAGHDAD – babysit – A member of the Finance Committee Abdul Amir Cassar that some political blocs do not want to pass the budget so quickly, saying that it does not require urgency.
Cassar said in an interview (public radio) on Monday, “despite the fact that some of the demands of the political blocs on the budget are legitimate and logical, but it can not bear all the demands to be included, including”.
“The more delayed the process of approving the budget will show other demands for some of the blocks, which in turn will impede the process of scrolling and this does not serve the Iraqi people.”
And the House of Representatives rejected the decision to return the budget to the government Cassar said, “There are of Representatives voted to return the budget to the Council of Ministers is that the quorum for this did not happen and therefore retained within the parliament” … p / i