Final statement of the Conference of Basra and includes a claim of Parliament not to ratify the budget

[Where] published the final statement of the Conference of Basra and includes a claim of Parliament not to ratify the budget

Saturday, 25 December / 2 January 2014 14:15

Published the final statement of the Conference of Basra and includes a claim of Parliament not to ratify the budget[Basra – where]

Student Conference oil-producing provinces, which was held in the province of Basra today in his closing statement, the House of Representatives not to pass a bill to the budget for fiscal 2014, and return it to the federal government to include the amount of five dollars.

He had been held in the province of Basra on Saturday, a conference attended by governors and officials of a number of provinces in addition to a delegation from the Oil and Energy Committee and a number of deputies from those provinces to take a unified stance on the government’s decision to grant dollars and only one out of five dollars from petro-dollar project.

In a final statement, obtained by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it “at a time when we squeeze it at the hands of the sons of the armed forces in the fight against terrorism and al-Qaeda remnants, the ratification of the petro-dollar with being came late to throughout the years have included the provinces benefiting from oil and gas to catch up of injustice and the destruction of infrastructure and caused by the oil operations of environmental contamination long all walks of life. ”

The statement added that “the amounts allocated from oil imports and that was not enough to rebuild what has happened in the infrastructure as we have said, but it may seem in line at the present time, a major objectives for the reconstruction and building of our dear Iraq, keeping in mind that the amount of [$ 5] per barrel of oil product and all [150] m 3 of gas which make up only 5% or less of the export value per barrel and that the employment of such amounts in the fields of the right will return good and benefit of all, especially in the treatment of environmental pollution and farmland destroyed and infrastructure to the provinces. ”

The final statement of the two conferences, “he Based on the foregoing, we demand the parliament not to ratify the draft federal budget for fiscal year 2014 and brought back to the federal government to activate the amount of [$ 5] per barrel of oil product and for each and every [150] m 3 of gas Instead of one dollar pursuant to Article 44 / second paragraph of the law governorates not organized province average number [19] for the year 2013 and not to download the House of Representatives not to delay in approving the budget. ”

It also demanded that oil-producing provinces, “the application of Article [59] of the Act governorates not organized province average and compel the Federal Government and the Ministry of Finance to also include allocations of the petro-dollar, similar to a way of exchange followed regardless balance owed to the Kurdistan region contained within Article 9 / III of the draft law on the federal budget for the year Finance for the year 2014. according to the final statement.

The statement stressed the need to “work to expedite the procedures to implement the second amendment to the provincial law No. [19] for the year 2013 and we call on all the provinces and the executive branch and the House of Representatives constructive cooperation and true to avoid any action that would delay action law above with the calculation of the amount of the budget of five dollars from the date of entry into force any law of 05.08.2013 and retroactively. ”

The statement called for “heads of political blocs to withdraw stabbed law governorates not organized province and clear position of the presidency being a sponsor of the Constitution about the lack of Ttabliq Law Second Amendment No. [19] for the year 2013 and compel the Federal Government to the ceiling specified time for the transfer of powers from some ministries to the provincial assemblies and the formation of a coordination committee graduate, represented by the Society of the provinces to implement the recommendations of the conference. ”

The conference concluded with a statement oil-producing provinces “that respond to the demands of the oil-producing provinces and gas must be one of the priorities of the Iraqi parliament and the federal government in order to lift the injustice and the injustice done to these provinces and their citizens.”

The Minister of Finance and serenity net debt agency said that “the law in force, which ensures that the share of oil-producing provinces, gas, and this is her right, but because of the pressure and the budget deficit for the current year of [23] trillion dinars have been allocated just one dollar to the provinces producing oil within the project of petro $ 5 to keep owed by the federal government four dollars given advances in the event of a need for local governments money. while revealed the parliamentary finance committee that the government delayed granting the full amount of the project 5 petro dollars to the budget next year 2015.

The Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has questioned the ability of oil-producing provinces on the disbursement of allocations law petro $ 5. Said in his weekly Wednesday that “the money is still stacked in the provinces and there is no ability on their spending, so the right of the provinces saved five dollars per barrel and insure all the provinces that This right is saved in your budget and how long did you spend and that Tamra and adopted it exists for you. ”

In reflexes political non-implementation of the government’s law completely rejected head of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Ammar al-Hakim deductions from the law of petro $ 5, “stressing that” no retreat from the petro $ 5, “saying that” the failure to approve the law assault and clear and explicit on our provinces and our people and we hold the government fully responsible about the consequences of these abuses. ”

For his part, Minister of Finance announced the agency purity of net debt that “the government would borrow 9 trillion dinars to repay the funds petro-dollar project allocated to the provinces, if approved by the House of Representatives,” probable “the issuance of bonds to cover the budget deficit is estimated at [23] trillion dinars.”

The law governorates not organized province, No. 21 of 2008 amended provision in Article 44 of the calculation of the amount of five dollars instead of one dollar, each province produced, but the budget submitted to the House of Representatives in 2014 allocated one dollar per barrel of oil product from the province, infuriating sons producing provinces. Ended 42