Federation of Iraqi forces: general amnesty, as the current law on political agreement Anqlat
Federation of Iraqi forces: general amnesty, as the current law on political agreement Anqlat
22-06-2015 05:45 PM
He called the Union of Iraqi forces Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to withdraw the project “General Amnesty Law,” the sender of the House of Representatives, promised “a coup against the document political agreement” under which the government was formed.
He said, the parliamentary bloc head Ahmed electrodes, that “this law project came Dedicated to the sufferings of thousands of convicts to Article 4 terrorism who were arrested Buchyh confidential informant and were subjected to the worst kinds of torture and extracted their confessions under duress “, and considered it” a powerful blow for national reconciliation which we seek to achieve. ”
He added electrodes in a statement on Monday that “the lack of government commitment to the strict implementation to document the political agreement, and trying to throw the ball in the court of the House of Representatives by sending formal laws vicious projects of their content constitutes a violation of the principle of political consensus which formalized government Abadi, “stressing that” what happened is the repetition of an earlier scenario when the government sent accountability and justice, as amended, and which law were much worse than the old version. ”
The statement called on the prime minister Haider al-Abadi “to withdraw this bill and re-drafted the way that have been agreed upon under the close political agreement which politicians pledged to implement its partners.”