Fears of economic collapse in the event of failure to pass the budget

Fears of economic collapse in the event of failure to pass the budget

2/22/2014 0:25

Fears of economic collapse in the event of failure to pass the budgetThe continuing debate on the dispute of oil between Baghdad and Erbil,
Baghdad – Erbil – morning – Shaima Rashid
still differences between Baghdad and Erbil on the issue of export of oil province axis controversy the most prominent in the political arena, especially with the thread it up the general budget of the country that are waiting approval by the House of Representatives.
There are conflicting reports on the arrival of the two governments to finalize on the issue, while counting the legislature of the Kurds (MPs Kurdistan Alliance) statements made ​​by Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani on the export of oil province across the SOMO “positive”, denied the operative part of them (government Kurdistan region) reaching a final agreement with the federal government in Baghdad, and was the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani has said last Wednesday the approval of the Kurdistan region to export crude oil from the province through the State Oil Marketing Organization “Sumo”, which was denied by the Kurdish government.
leader Kurdistan Alliance Muhsin al-Sadoun said in an interview: “The Kurds follow the steps announced by the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, and with that his words were positive and reflected his interest to everyone, but we await the agreed upon final.” and considered that “export via SOMO does not require legislation legal because the company is competent to export oil, “noting that” there will be a committee overseeing the process. “He Sadoun that” the date and time of the export of oil through the company is now linked to the issues of art, in terms of determining the quantities exported, etc. from issues. “and added that” the agreement to solve the problem of oil between the center and the region is the primary beneficiary of it is the Iraqi people through the addition of a new number to the general budget. “However, the KRG was her opinion the opposite as it denied yesterday reaching a compromise agreement final with the federal government in Baghdad over oil export region by SOMO, indicating they are waiting for an answer Baghdad on this issue. said a spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government Sven Dzia in a statement posted on the official website of the Government of the Territory and seen the “morning” it said that “the talks, which were held recently between the Government of KRG and the federal government in Baghdad, took place in a positive atmosphere, “pointing out that” the two sides discussed at length the views and proposals in this regard. “and explained that” the federal government has decided the answer to the proposals of the Kurdistan Regional Government in the coming days on this issue, and the mechanism of export oil region “He said:” We have not come to any form of agreement regarding the export of oil of the Kurdistan region to the outside by SOMO. ”
and described the presidency of the Kurdistan Regional Government meeting the President of the provincial government Barzani with the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani in Baghdad on Tuesday as “positive . ”
The oil marketing company SOMO one of the most important companies the Iraqi oil sector and is the only official authorized under Iraqi laws in force the conclusion of contracts for the export of crude oil, as well as contracts for the export and import of oil derivatives and contexts known worldwide., for its part, confirmed the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary need to find a solution fast and practical to resolve the dispute of oil between the center and the region because of its direct impact on the adoption of the budget, which was interrupted frequently because of these differences on the track pulled Representatives Kurds from attending parliament sessions. Between Committee member Furat al-Shara told the “morning”, it is possible to bypass the observations technical, administrative and legal in the budget law through auditing, adding that the dispute between the governments of the center and the region greatly impacted on the issue of passing the budget bill. expressed MP for optimism mutual visits between the two parties, in the hope of their reaching a satisfactory solution, especially with the presence of points of convergence of inter- both sides, according to the statements announced by the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani. did not rule out al-Shara in the event of continuing the positive atmosphere between the two sides to attend the Kurds to the parliamentary session for Sunday to be reading the budget first reading despite the lack of inclusion on the agenda of the Council, expressing hope to pass the budget with the approval of the Kurds without having the option of approving away from them. came of those developments in the file of oil is stuck between the center and the region following the visit of a Kurdish delegation Wednesday to Baghdad to understanding on the problems that stand in the way without the approval of the financial budget of the Federal Assembly for the current year and passed, as well as the export file Oil from the region through a new pipeline up to Turkey.
Furthermore, MP for the National Alliance cream Silverline both houses of the Federal Cabinet and the Kurdistan responsibility for delaying the legislation’s budget in 2014.
said Silverline in a press statement: The «Kurdistan Alliance has set conditions for the vote on the budget», viewing it as «illegal».
adding that «quirks practiced on the budget is incorrect».
said Silverline that «the region’s rejection vote on the budget was due to the actions of Baghdad on the prevention of Kurdistan from the export of oil and non-implementation of its demand to grant 17 percent of the budget by 2014 and pay the salaries of the Peshmerga and accruals foreign oil companies »., and expressed the hope that the« end the existing differences between the province and the central government these days in order to be approving the budget ».
Amid this image float to the surface of the expectations that go through the country’s financial crisis and economic collapse Mali if it has not been authenticated on the state budget, with weights that the budget deficit of more than 35 billion dollars. According to published on the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the «Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki discussed with the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan official regulations Baghdad Raundozi a number of important issues», where they were addressed relations between the Kurdistan region and Baghdad, especially the financial crisis and liquidity crisis in the region.
As student Raundozi Prime Minister «working to find a solution to the crisis as soon as possible, especially with regard to regardless salaries», linking al-Maliki to resolve this crisis to dissolve knots oil between Baghdad and Erbil. website quoted Maliki as saying that « Iraq as a whole is going through a financial crisis », expected« a collapse of the Iraqi economy and the financial system if it has not been authenticated on the state budget at the earliest and find radical solutions to the problem of increasing public expenditure which has become more than imports ».
was likely al-Maliki said «be a budget deficit of more than 35 billion dollars ».
Apparently the crisis, Baghdad and Erbil oil takes over internationally in addition to the range at the local level, the U.S. President Barack Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s support for a possible agreement between Baghdad and Erbil. According to a White House statement that «Obama phoned Erdogan, and discussed with him the dispute between Arbil and Baghdad on oil exports, and stressed the support of a possible deal between the two sides ». statement noted that« the two sides stressed the importance of supporting the agreement to be reached between Baghdad and Erbil, and to promote it, in order to find common ground between them in Topics energy ».
