Fatlawi offered to pay for the ticket Zebari his return to Kurdistan

Fatlawi offered to pay for the ticket Zebari his return to Kurdistan

Date: 03/16/2015 20:05

Fatlawi offered to pay for the ticket Zebari his return to KurdistanInformation / Baghdad / ..
offered Prime “will” Movement MP Hanan al, on Monday, the finance minister, Hoshyar Zebari, pay for the ticket he returned to Kurdistan in response to his recent comments that he would one day stay in Baghdad if it did not send the center region salaries intentionally.
She Fatlawi in statement received by the agency / information / copy it, that “the language of threats and intimidation that followed Kurdish politicians have become dull and reprehensible small and hated by the Great.” And expressed Fatlawi surprise of “such provocative statements that are not supposed to be issued by the Minister of the Ministry of sovereign represent the whole of Iraq and not a particular national.”
She continued, “We have not heard from him such statements when they delayed the Ministry of Industry employees’ salaries, or when it has not received the Champions popular crowd salaries “, addressing him by saying,” If you want to leave, I’ll pay the price of a ticket you return to Kurdistan. ”
The local media recently quoted, told Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari told them, “It will not remain in the capital for another day if it does not send the center salaries province deliberately” .anthy / 25 j
