Faily: More than 6 billion dollars in abundance has been achieved without any increase in the central bank’s reserves

Faily: More than 6 billion dollars in abundance has been achieved without any increase in the central bank’s reserves

Sunday 28 February 2021 | 12:17 PM

Faily - More than 6 billion dollars in abundance has been achieved without any increase in the central banks reservesToday, Sunday, a member of the Parliamentary Economic Committee, Mazen El-Faily, confirmed that there has been an abundance of dollars at more than 6 billion without any increase in the Central Bank’s reserves.

Al-Faily said in a press statement that “the data and figures indicated that the state’s monthly revenues from selling oil exceeded (4 billion dollars), while the Central Bank’s sales during the same period did not reach more than one billion dollars per month, meaning that the state has achieved financial abundance of more than 3 billion dollars.” Dollars per month, as the central bank’s sale of dollars provides liquidity in dinars, and according to announcements of the sale of the central bank for the past period, it did not exceed one billion dollars. Which requires a statement and clarification about this financial equation. ”

He indicated that “the information received by us and the data published on the Central Bank’s website indicate that only small amounts of dollars were sold during the months of January and February of this year, not totaling more than one and a half billion dollars, as the Central Bank sold at its auction within a month.” January amounted to (490,169) four hundred and ninety million one hundred and sixty-nine thousand dollars, while the amount sold in February was (1,019) one billion and nineteen million dollars. ”

He added, “An examination of the numbers of oil sales and what was sold of dollars in the Central Bank auction shows unequivocally the existence of an amount of more than six billion dollars that has not been offered in the auction, which means that it should be reflected in the increase in the reserves of the Central Bank, which requires clarification and The statement from the government. ”