Experts: The US administration is facing a dilemma in dealing with an Iraqi government controlled by Sadr and Amiri

Experts: The US administration is facing a dilemma in dealing with an Iraqi government controlled by Sadr and Amiri

Monday, June 25, 2018 at 15: 04 pm

Experts - The US administration is facing a dilemma in dealing with an Iraqi government controlled by Sadr and AmiriBaghdad / Sky Press

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The administration of their country has difficulty dealing with a government formed by pro-Iranian political parties at a time of intense conflict between Tehran and Washington, US experts said on Tuesday.

US military officials, with nearly 4,500 troops in Iraq and Syria, face a tough decision on how to deal with a Sadr-dominated government and other leaders like Amiri, who have close ties to Tehran, while Trump’s administration has dropped the nuclear deal with Iran.

Experts expect the US administration to seek to form a government opposed to Iran by supporting the current prime minister, Dr. Haider al-Abadi.

On the other hand, Iran is striving to gather its allies and bring the views closer to ensure the formation of a government loyal to them.