Expert warns of manipulating the process of replacing the damaged currency of ten thousand dinars category

Expert warns of manipulating the process of replacing the damaged currency of ten thousand dinars category

Date: 23/12/2014 10:49

Expert warns of manipulating the process of replacing the damaged currency of ten thousand dinars categoryInformation / Baghdad / ..
warned financial expert peace Sumaisem, on Monday, the government and the Central Bank of get-money laundering operation of the coin ten thousand dinars category during the replacement operations, claim to intensify and diversify control sources and follow-up on the go exchange process to the Holocaust.
Sumaisem said in a statement to the Agency / information /, “This Almjmohat you are buying damaged currency cheaply and deal with a number of banks that facilitate their replacement process against specific commissions, which will be difficult for others to get a new currency instead of the damaged currency.”
She called Sumaisem the Iraqi government and the central bank to “tighten surveillance and follow-up in the replacement process and make sure she went to the Holocaust, as is common in cash replacement operations.”
The financial piracy occurred during similar replacement process to those that occurred during traded at the time of the former regime, the new Iraqi currency replacing the currency, in mid-2004. In detail information, which is being investigated by the show, to be replaced instead of money to go to the Holocaust, as is common in cash replacement operations, the cars loaded go to other places and is loaded with the new category in the process of financial piracy lead to results in the case of the accumulation of currency cause effect on the value of the Iraqi currency against the currencies Alojunbah.anthy / 25 m