Expert: All Iraqi fields were given to foreign companies and Iran produces oil inside Iraq

Expert: All Iraqi fields were given to foreign companies and Iran produces oil inside Iraq

Thursday, September 07, 2017 at 15:55

Expert - All Iraqi fields were given to foreign companies and Iran produces oil inside IraqBaghdad / Sky Press

The international oil expert, Hussein al-Rubaie, that all the Iraqi oil fields were given to foreign companies in 2009 through the licensing of oil, noting that Iran is currently drilling within the Iraqi border oil wells.

“Iraq has drilled oil wells since 1930 and so far, 1500 oil wells, most of them in Basra, while the Sultanate of Oman was dug through,” al-Rubaie told a meeting of the oil industry in Iraq. Six years 2600 wells, “adding that” Iraq dug from 1990 to 2005 almost 250 wells, while Saudi Aramco drilling in the year 500-600 wells. ”

He pointed out that “when drilling three oil wells inside Iraq, including two oil, while in the world every ten wells dig in which one contains oil,” stressing that “Iran is currently drilling within 3 kilometers of Iraqi territory and the production of oil while international law confirms that the fields “If Iraq is 90 percent of the oil field, Iran should give 90 percent of its production to Iraq and Iraq should give Iran 10 percent of its production,” he said, adding that “Iraq’s oil reserves are 242 billion barrels “He said.

He pointed out that “Iraq is one of the most countries that burn the gas associated with oil, during the year one burn gas at a cost of one billion dollars,” noting that “according to mobile licensing licenses, Iraq gives BP the cost of extracting the barrel of $ 10 plus four dollars for the work of the company Iraq while the cost of extracting oil before 2003 is $ 2, “asserting that” Rumaila field of the easiest fields in the world production. ”

Al-Rubaie said that “BP announced that it is not responsible for the extraction of gas associated with the production of oil and this is the first incident in the world and is very strange,” noting that “the fourth round of licensing oil fields gave Iraq all the wells to foreign companies and will give these companies $ 35 per barrel “Iraq has to pay the oil companies to Baramil did not produce, such as Iraq agreed with a company on the production of 4 million barrels per day while selling daily 3 million barrels, he has to pay the account of one million barrels per day for the company.”

“The oil expert that” Iraq will not be able to sell more 5 million barrels per day during the next 20 years because it will affect the global market and lead to falling prices, “calling for” the formation of a committee of Iraqis and foreigners to file a complaint with the International Court in The Hague that contracts mobile Privatization has harmed Iraq and is taking place in the presence of former oil minister Hussein al-Shahristani and foreign companies. ”