Erbil announces it has become free to export oil to the United States
Erbil announces it has become free to export oil to the United States
Posted 28/08/2014 08:43 AM
The government of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, it has become a have complete freedom in the sale of oil within the United States of America in accordance with the laws in force there. Analysts said that Sevh before most of the ports and markets of the world.
Welcomed the Regional Government of northern Iraq, the decision of the American court in South Texas, which was released for shipment of crude oil to the region, had decided earlier in detention.
According to a statement on the website of the government that “it was again rejected a request from the central government in Baghdad over the Texas court’s decision, it is now possible for the Kurdistan region to sell oil freely in accordance with the applicable laws in the United States.”
He drastically and the Minister of Natural Resources in the government of the province that “the decision of the American court, became a guarantor great for those who want to buy crude oil Kurdistan region, both in the United States or elsewhere.”
He expressed the hope that the stop and the Iraqi Oil Ministry for attempts by order of usurping the rights of the region after this decision.
He added that “the oil in the region is extracted and exported and sold by the Kurdistan Regional Government are legal according to the Constitution and the laws of Iraq.”
The court overturned the American on Monday detained a shipment is estimated at about one million barrels of crude oil Kurdish disputed between Arbil and Baghdad, in a move that could allow the extradition of the consignment at the port of Texas and end the crisis has been going on for nearly a month.
The Baghdad government has succeeded in earlier in persuading the authorities to eliminate American, issued a memorandum to confiscate the shipment of oil, and ordered the judge, “Nancy Johnson,” book load and impounded until chapter in the conflict between Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government on the disposition of oil resources in areas under the control of Irbil. The KRG began months before the export of crude oil extracted from its territory to Turkey and sold abroad through a pipeline construction completed last December, apart from the federal government, what infuriated Baghdad, which has threatened to sue Erbil and the region’s oil buyers to proceed against them legally.
The Iraqi Oil Ministry has filed a lawsuit with the court, Texas, demanded the confiscation of one million barrels of oil loaded on board the tanker United Kalavrivta, which docked just 60 miles from the Port of Galveston, Texas, on charges of “exported illegally and sold without obtaining the permission from the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. ”
Ashti Hawrami: the decision of the American court, became a guarantor for those who want to buy oil region
The court ruled in favor of the central government to confiscate Iraqi oil source even achieve understanding between Baghdad and the regional government in northern Iraq.
The government announced the territory of northern Iraq, on August 5 th, they submitted a request to the court to cancel the decision mentioned above.
And announced that the Iraqi Oil Ministry, on 8 June that the losses of the Iraqi economy because of non-delivery of the territory of northern Iraq to its revenues amounted to 6 billion dollars, noting that what is marketed by some officials in the government of northern Iraq of justification and rationale for “illogical and unrealistic.”
The government cut the Iraqi Kurdistan region’s share of the public budget, amounting to 17 percent since about 7 months, forcing the region to begin pumping oil to the Turkish port of Ceyhan end of last year. And began to export since the end of last May to ease its financial crisis.
So far, 7 tankers shipping oil to world markets, but Adjat and obstacles in finding buyers, due to an uncertain Washington’s position than those sales.
Erbil and trying hard to increase its oil exports has doubled pumping oil last week, after the development of the private Onboppea to reach about 200 thousand barrels per day.
Informed sources expect exports to rise to 220 thousand barrels per day within a week and then to 250 thousand barrels per day after that. ”
The flow of 7.8 million barrels of Psychosocial