End U.S. funding for the Office of the Inspector for the reconstruction of Iraq in March

End U.S. funding for the Office of the Inspector for the reconstruction of Iraq in March

Saturday, January 26, 2013 14:22

Translation / Baghdadiya News / .. newspaper reported the Washington Post that the mandate and funding the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, which was founded in October of 2004 due to expire in March next, a reference to what was described as the end of efforts documentation and identify countless of failures in a larger effort by the United States in reconstruction since the Marshall Plan.
The investigators in the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction have uncovered dozens of conspiracies to defraud the reconstruction efforts, including issues related to the corrupt officers in the U.S. Army.
The newspaper report, seen by The translated / Baghdadiya News / that military officials senior they accept tickets from first class to be able to hide their bank accounts in the Cayman Islands and Thailand as revealed Office try soldier convert cash stolen wrapped in flags U.S. was revealed try another smart to transfer stacks of stolen money to the United States by sewing in a Santa costume Naal.
Have resulted in investigations by the U.S. Office of the Inspector General for the reconstruction of Iraq recognized 81 people, among them 47 soldiers while waiting for a lot of their trials because of the investigations as the U.S. authorities recovered more than $ 189 million as a result of the efforts of the office. Finished / 21
