Egypt: with Iraq receivables worth $ 1.3 billion

Egypt: with Iraq receivables worth $ 1.3 billion


BAGHDAD / JD / .. Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of Egypt, the Arab Ashraf, that Egypt did not ask Iraq to a financial deposit.
The local media and international quoted government sources responsible, last week, Egypt’s moves to persuade Iraq to deposit and deposit the Central Bank of Egypt $ 4 billion, to support foreign exchange reserves, which fell to $ 13.5 billion by the end of February.
He Wazziralve visited Iraq last week, told Anatolia, “We discussed with Iraq file debts due to Egypt worth $ 1.3 billion.”
He explained that this value came as estimates and statements Egyptian government “The Iraqi government estimates it may less than required by different Egypt,” he said, adding that the joint higher committee between the two countries “are preparing now” look access to a final version on the Iraqi debts owed to Egypt.
The minister pointed out that ended with Iraq dossier last on pension entitlements worth $ 60 million, of the Egyptian workers who have been deported from Iraq after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.
And about whether Egypt is seeking financial deposits from friendly countries to support foreign exchange reserves have, said Minister of Anatolia “deposits will not solve financial crisis Egypt … just focus on the agreement with the IMF through economic reforms.”
It is scheduled to arrive technical mission from the International Monetary Fund, Cairo, next Tuesday, to resume negotiations on a loan of $ 4.8 billion. / End / / 22