Edit 53 villages and killed 473 terrorists

Edit 53 villages and killed 473 terrorists

22/10/2016 0:00

Edit 53 villages and killed 473 terroristsBAGHDAD / MOSUL / morning , the
fifth day in a row continues to security forces advance towards Mosul , which is not separated by only 7 kilometers after the liberation of the security Brtalh.altkdm rapidly from several directions resulted in the liberation 53 villages and killed more than 450 terrorists, according to a statement of joint operations.
The statement said in statistical losses enemy Aldaasha in the battle of «coming, Nineveh» since its launch until yesterday evening, said the security forces «killed 473 terrorists and arrested 22 others».
He pointed to «destroy 95 wheel bomb and 21 detachment mortar, as well as the destruction of 16 unilateral and 7 Belts bomb and four booby – trapped houses, in addition to the destruction of a large store of weapons and 11 added and the bombing of 352 explosive device under control ».
as the security forces were able to« blow up five motorcycles and destroyed three tunnels and grab a ton and a half ton of ammonium nitrate, with the seizure of a large number of mortars The rules and Katyusha rockets and other weapons. »
said the statement edit 53 villages until four o’clock Friday afternoon.
midst of this picture, said counter – terrorism device Lt. Gen. commander Abdul Ghani al – Asadi said« edit Mosul operations are ongoing, and separates us from the city only 6.5 – 7 km direction the depth of the city », pointing out that« Bartila hand that completed the editing in the early hours of the day yesterday (Thursday) and lightning fast process, is the first line of the block Doaash toward Mosul.
