Economy: demand the formation of committees to investigate down central bank reserves

A member of the parliamentary Economy: demand the formation of committees to investigate down central bank reserves

2015/11/27 12:08

Economy - demand the formation of committees to investigate down central bank reserves[Baghdad – where] a
student member of the economic and investment commission in Parliament, Knight Knight, the formation of committees to investigate down central bank reserves.
Said Knight told all of Iraq [where] “Do not worry on the economic situation in Iraq for the year 2016,” noting that “there are calls for the formation of committees and research in low central bank reserves from 76 billion to $ 60 billion, where he went this amount?”.
He stressed that the “supposed to form a quick committees in this regard.”
He explained Knight “does not allow the use of the reserve, but there are areas of action for the protection of the Iraqi currency and economic stability, a few, but you need to kind of transparency,” noting that “this action was not Bahruffina,” pointing to “The subject was raised by galleries of the House and within the Commission of Economy and Investment and the Finance Committee.”
He continued, “We demand to know the fate of this reserve.”
The central bank, announced last Friday that the reserves of foreign exchange of 60 billion dollars, adding that “enough for six months.” .finish