Economy and investment parliamentary host the five Iraqi banks managers

Economy and investment parliamentary host the five Iraqi banks managers

07.31.2016 at 12:14 (Baghdad time)

Economy and investment parliamentary host the five Iraqi banks managersSpecial – balances News
Hosted economic and investment commission in Parliament Sunday, banks, Rafidain and Rasheed Bank and real estate, industrial and agricultural managers.
A parliamentary source in the Committee’s / balances News / “The committee of economy and investment parliamentary five banks managers in Iraq today hosted to discuss the reality of the banking business,” noting that “banks that have been hosting its directors are all from the Rafidain and Rasheed, and real estate, industrial and agricultural.”
“The hosting discussed the CBI initiative with regard to the five trillion sum,” adding that “Hosting also included a discussion of the reality of the work of banks in facilitating the task of borrowing citizens and industrialists, farmers and facilitate their mission and reduce red tape.”
He said the “Hosting also discussed future plans for the work of banks on the Iraqi and international arena and investing all the means to serve the citizens and restore confidence in the banking work” .anthy 29
From: Flaih slain