Economists stress the inability of the Arab countries to unify its currency financial
28/03/2012 16:37
Baghdad, March 28 / March (Rn) – A number of economists, on Wednesday, the inability of the Arab countries unify its currency and the introduction of coin-like currency single European euro.said an economist and member of the Iraqi trade Ziad al-Khafaji told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Arab countries do not can introduce a common currency like the euro because of.. the diversity of financial resources to have some of them depend on oil as supports another tourism or agriculture and industry. “and added that “to introduce a version of the currency of a common Arab is not easy to implement in the absence of the stability of economic and political conditions as well that it would disrupt orientation of Arab countries to mitigate the phenomenon of economic inflation. ” and pointed out that “such a proposal in which economic problems are many, notably hinder economic development projects in Arab countries, as well as preoccupation with economic institutions, the process of organizing the common currency, design and size at the expense of the fight against poverty and the provision of work” . in turn, said former economic adviser in the Ministry of Trade Mohammed Hamza’s (Okuz) that “the unification of the currency will not work in Arab countries because it is difficult to implement in an atmosphere of political unstable, but can work to provide legal cover for the currency trading Arabic among Arab countries.” said that “the legal cover is intended to develop mechanisms to ensure that smuggling of currency and the organization of circulation does not harm the level of projects to combat inflation and reduce it, in addition to the expansion of trade and the establishment of Chamber of Commerce Arab include all Arab countries.” and pointed out that “the Arab countries that will succeed in the establishment of the Arab Fund in tackling poverty in the Arab countries as required, and a center planning to conduct surveys of accurate incidence of poverty in the Arab countries instead of busy project currency union. ” For his part, economist and member of the center market of the Iraqi economy (Rn) that “this project the many problems among them is blurring the Iraqi economy and the existence of legal barriers and legislative hindering the implementation of the single currency financial relations between the Arab countries. ” He explained that “the problem of the Arab countries is not to adopt a unified strategy and clear to highlight the Arab economic stimuli that depend on them for the next stage” . said the Iraqi Finance Ministry that it presented to the Ministers of Economy and Finance Forum project currency union between the Arab countries at the meeting held on Tuesday in Baghdad in the framework of the preparation of economic files to be presented to Arab leaders at their summit on Thursday. said Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi in the earlier of ( Rn) that “the Iraqi delegation to introduce a single currency at a meeting of economic ministers Arabs similarity of the euro to the European Union.” and the meeting of Ministers of Economy and Finance Forum, Tuesday, vote on three strategies related to the tourism and water security and disaster in the presence of six ministers as well as the Iraqi minister is better God Babiker, who chaired the meeting. was Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League announced yesterday the first Monday, on the participation of some 12 Arab head of state at the Summit of Baghdad, which will discuss a number of Arab issues, especially the Syrian crisis and the developments of “Arab spring” the Palestinian cause as well as restructuring of the League of Arab States. and began the work of the summit amid an unprecedented security in Baghdad is the deployment of tens of thousands of security forces and the closure of main roads after the Iraqi government announced disable office hours during the week. Allonan of Jafar, the Open: Joseph Karwan