Economist: the issuance of a class 50 000 dinars, will not contribute to the stability of the market
Economist: the issuance of a class 50 000 dinars, will not contribute to the stability of the market
Thursday 12 November 2015 15:02
Alsumaria News / Baghdad
confirmed former economist at the Central Bank of Iraq on behalf of Abdul Hadi, Thursday, that the issuance of 50 class thousand dinars will not contribute to the stability of the market, stressing that large transactions are covered through the dollar. He said Abdul Hadi in an interview with Alsumaria’s News, said that ” Category issuing cash 50,000 dinars by the Central Bank will not contribute to the reduction of non-market stability, especially price index of the market and inflation, “he said, adding that” there are changes in the economies of the data on the ground and the Iraqi contraction of economic reality. ”
He said Abdul Hadi said “these cash category would raise imposed on a bank in the management of operational costs and the organization of the currency,” explaining that “there will be no desired results to facilitate transactions.” Said Abdul Hadi that “monetary category currently in circulation, amounting to 25 000 dinars are enough to handle them through individual transactions and companies, while the big deals are covered through the dollar. “The Central Bank of Iraq, on Wednesday (November 11, 2015) for issuing a new banknote fifty thousand Dinars category, attributing this to complete the banknotes structure Iraqi and put a high value on the trading category.