Economist: The government is moving towards eliminating the parallel market for dollars

Economist: The government is moving towards eliminating the parallel market for dollars


Economist - The government is moving towards eliminating the parallel market for dollarsInformation / Baghdad…
The researcher in economic affairs, Muhammad Attia Al-Saadi, considered the security and control campaigns to deter dollar dealers in the commercial markets as the right step towards reducing the gap between the official and parallel price.

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalooma, “The problem of the dollar’s high price did not end with merchants and company owners entering the electronic platform to buy dollars from the Central Bank.”
He added, “Many car and electrical companies and merchants were dealing in the process of buying and selling in dollars with citizens, which prompted the government to impose dealings in dinars by force by taking legal pledges.”
Al-Saadi expected that “the exchange rate will witness a decrease in prices in the coming days,” pointing to “the importance of intensifying government measures, monitoring manipulators, and blocking the path towards any speculators who constantly update their methods to speculate in dollars and exhaust citizens with high prices.”