Economist: on the government to demand their money withheld by the International Monetary Fund instead of borrowing it

Economist: on the government to demand their money withheld by the International Monetary Fund instead of borrowing it

Created on Tuesday 0.05 May 2015 9:44

Economist - on the government to demand their money withheld by the International Monetary Fund instead of borrowing itBAGHDAD / Sky Press: Faleh Hussein

Star economist warned al-Bayati, Tuesday, to borrow money from foreign international banks for the negative impact on the national economy, as the government called for a claim Iraq with money withheld by the International Monetary Fund instead of borrowing it.

Bayati said for “Sky Press,” that “the international organizations when they lend money, they set conditions and obligations of States borrowers, such as removing support for the citizen on the fuel level or ration card or reduce expenditure in the budget and these conditions can not a lot of states meet them.”

“The asylum Iraq to borrow from the International Monetary Fund weigh the shoulders of the state debt, especially that Iraq so far has not been decided the previous debt and compensation”, calling for “thinking other means other than loans Ktfiel duties, taxes and support the private productive sectors vital Kalsnaaah and agricultural sectors to diversify state revenues “.

“The rights of Iraq to claim financial frozen to the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, which is estimated at two billion dollars or more through the creation of a political and economic paper or to negotiate with the International Fund for Iraq to recover money instead of borrowing from the government.”

The International Monetary Fund announced earlier his intention to lend to Iraq amount of two billion dollars to support the federal budget that suffer from large fiscal deficit.

Iraq and many countries in the world is witnessing an economic crisis, as a result of falling oil prices, the global stock market, below $ 48 per barrel, after it was $ 110.