Economist explains ways to end the financial conflict between Baghdad and Erbil

Economist explains ways to end the financial conflict between Baghdad and Erbil


Economist explains ways to end the financial conflict between Baghdad and ErbilInformation/Baghdad…
Economic expert Dr. Safwan Qusay explained the mechanism for ending the financial conflict between Baghdad and Erbil, pointing out the importance of linking revenue outlets to the federal government and organizing them with financial accounts linked to Baghdad.

Qusay told Al-Maalouma, “There is an urgent need for the Ministry of Finance to prepare general federal collection accounts within the borders of the region for all revenues, especially oil revenues and those related to border crossings and other revenues, so that they can be linked to the treasury of the Ministry of Finance.”

He added, “If the federal government has the ability to finance all allocations, there should be priorities, as the region suffers from not being included in investment projects, as investment spending within the region’s borders has not been included in the budget.”

He explained that “the inclusion of these projects requires the region to prepare a budget that is approved by the parliament in Kurdistan and merged with the federal budget so that there is transparency in the investment financing process in the area of ​​Iraq, especially since there is an urgent need to find clear financial relations that end the financial and technical conflict between the federal government and the regional government, by unifying authority over border crossings, customs and investment projects and linking them to the federal government.”