Economist expects higher inflation due to the increase in food prices

Economist expects higher inflation due to the increase in food prices

Date: Monday 19/03/2012 13:53

Baghdad (news) .. Expect a specialist in economic affairs Dargham Muhammad Ali high rates of inflation for the month, due to the increase in food prices during the current period, especially the price of vegetables and fruits. 
said Mohammad Ali (of the Agency news) said on Monday: There is preventing full import outside of the vegetables and fruits by the Ministry of Agriculture under the pretext of supporting the local product, which led to increases in food prices in local markets, adding that the Ministry of Agriculture has remained silent in front of these elevations, indicating they did not know what is happening in Alosouk local communities. 
He called for: the need to reduce the import outside of the vegetables and fruits rather than complete prohibition , and that the process is for a limited period until the entry into force of stock local food, as it would hurt the Iraqi economy in terms of high rates of inflation in the country. He favored the competent economic affairs: the increase of inflation rates during this month, in contrast to the previous months in the event of continuing the State and the Ministry of Agriculture to prevent the import external food and work to reduce their prices in local markets. This may be seen in the domestic market, a big increase prices of food, especially vegetables and fruits as a result prevent the Ministry of Agriculture to import these materials from abroad to support the local product. / Finished / 8. d.