Economist accuses political parties of controlling the exchange rate on the black market

Economist accuses political parties of controlling the exchange rate on the black market


Economist accuses political parties of controlling the exchange rate on the black marketInformation / Baghdad…
Today, Thursday, economic expert Diaa Al-Mohsen expected that the dollar exchange rate on the black market would not rise to more than 1,500 dinars, accusing political parties of controlling the sale of the dollar as well as colluding with the monetary authority.

Al-Mohsen told Al-Maalouma Agency, “Restricting the sale of dollars to travelers to certain exchange companies confirms that these companies are affiliated with large political blocs and benefit from the process of buying and selling dollars, and they are intended to obtain the largest share of foreign currency sales.”

He added, “The Central Bank and the executive authority are fully aware of the political parties that control the dollar sales operations in the country, after they were restricted to certain companies.”

He explained that “the dollar exchange rate will not reach high levels, especially since there is cooperation between the monetary authority and those who sell the dollar on the black market, such that this cooperation ensures that the parallel exchange rate does not rise to more than 1,500 dinars per dollar.”