Economic parliamentary demanding quick action to stop the rise in the dollar exchange rate

Economic parliamentary demanding quick action to stop the rise in the dollar exchange rate


swift action CBI

Student member of the Economic Commission bloc MP Abdul Hussein Abtan citizen all competent authorities to take swift action to halt the rise in the dollar exchange rate.He said Abtan at a press conference in the House of Representatives and was attended by the correspondent of the Agency for News News (et al) that the high exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar during the current period, taking the burden on the citizen and the private owners of limited income because most ماموجود in our markets imported goods.

He added that the U.S. dollar exchange rate was in 2006/1160 / and the cash reserve / 10 / billion dollars, and today’s cash reserves of hard currency / 74 / billion Dolarusar exchange the government of the dollar over / 1250 / At the market close / 1130 /, considering that: Index serious deterioration of the economy and cause more trouble for the owners of Mahmoud income.

He called the Iraqi Central Bank to reconsider its policy and can not remain deaf ear and turning a blind eye on the continuing rise of the dollar at the time of what comes out of Iraqi oil 3 million barrels per day, annual revenues of approximately $ 120 billion.