Economic: activate the tariff and legal protection of the domestic producer would enter Iraq to world trade

Economic: activate the tariff and legal protection of the domestic producer would enter Iraq to world trade



Baghdad (newsletter). Economist Salim Al-daini said, the importance of the task and the economic laws that stimulate national product tariff law and the protection of the domestic producer to contribute to Iraq’s entry into the World Trade Organization.

He said Al-daini (News Agency): Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization need to activate the set of economic laws that have been in the House legislation as tariffs protecting national products, consumer protection, competition and anti-trust law. He continued that these laws will spur the productive sectors, especially the industrial and agricultural sectors to provide a national Iraqi identity products to the local market, so that Iraq has fulfilled one of the conditions for joining the WTO.

He added that world trade has many advantages for the Iraqi economy in terms of securing good world-class goods for the country and to strengthen economic and trade relations of Iraq with world countries, especially Member States